Factors to Consider while Cooking Holistic Food
A lot has been written about healthy food. Healthy food is supposed to be free of or with less trans-fat and processed sugar, nutrition dense, using more of raw vegetables and fruits, using less salt and with many such criteria. However, while considering holistic food, there are still other factors you should remember. Here are a few.
Locally Seasonal Produce
According to a holistic diet guide, locally seasonal produce has tremendous benefits for your health. It can help you get a more varied diet and thus get a greater variety of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants. This helps you combat micronutrient deficiencies. You also get it in a fresher condition than the produce brought to the market from far-off regions that loses its freshness and thus nutrition in the travel.
Biochemical Individuality
Research proves that most of the people with mental problems are deficient in or overloaded with particular biochemicals required for neurotransmitter production. This factor should also be considered while cooking food.
Wild Foods
Wild foods if available ethically and sustainably make an amazing addition to your diet. Wild foods are foods that grow instinctively and spontaneously in nature, with no control or intervention by humans. They may include fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds and nuts, fish, meat, weeds and seaweed. Since they have to face many challenges in their natural habitat, they are hardy and strong, and are rich in phytochemicals, antioxidants and overall nutrients. They are also safe because they are free from herbicides, pesticides and other harmful chemicals.
Organic Food
Organic foods are foods grown without using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic livestock raised for dairy products, eggs and meat should be raised in conditions that accommodate their natural behaviors (e.g., grazing on pastures) and fed organic feed and forage. They should not be given growth hormones, antibiotics or any animal by-products. Organic foods contain fewer pesticides and other harmful chemicals, richer in certain nutrients and are GMO-free.
Macro- and Micro-nutrient Balance
Your food should also have a good balance of macro and micro nutrients. Macronutrients are carbohydrates, proteins and fats, whereas micronutrients include calcium, iron, vitamin B6, B12, C and E, folate, zinc and more. The balance between these two is necessary because different persons need different amount of energy from each group offoods. For example, bodybuilders eat more proteins that are needed for muscle building, whereas a diabetic patient need less energy from carbohydrates to keep their blood sugar level low.
You may wonder how to consider all these factors while cooking food. The good news is that Tristan Summer Field offers delicious nutrient dense recipes, lessons to personalize and optimize your diet, and personalized eCoaching. So, visit their site and see how you can cook healthier and tastier food.